The PEARL is to be administered by the SLPs within the first two weeks of school. SLPs with more than one building will have three weeks.
Teachers will begin Story Champs (SC) tier 1 whole group instruction by the beginning of the third week of school. Two Level B stories will be presented per week for six weeks. After twelve Level B stories have been presented, SLPs will reassess only those students that were “at risk” on the PEARL. (Students that pass the end-of-the-year benchmark in the fall do not need to be tested further.) After completion of the first twelve stories, teachers will continue tier 1 whole group SC instruction following the lesson plans attached. Additional resources can be found in Story Champs Blitz material. (Building SLPs can be a resource for this instruction if there are questions about how these lessons should flow.)
First Grade Story Champs Complete
SLPs will assess any new students. Teachers will provide tier 1 whole group instruction using stories 13-24 from Story Champs Blitz. This will look like tier 1 whole group kindergarten instruction and focus on narrative retell only.
Kindergarten Story Champs
SLPs will benchmark any students that did not meet the end-of-the-year benchmark.
SLPs will provide small group support for those students that did not meet at least the winter benchmark. Teachers will continue tier 1 whole-group instruction with the late fall/winter SC lesson plans.
First Grade Story Champs Complete
SLPs will benchmark first grade students. Teachers will begin tier 1 whole group instruction by the beginning of the third week of January. Both narrative and informational units will be taught in conjunction with each other, as laid out in the materials.
Kindergarten Story Champs
Teachers will continue tier 1 whole-group instruction with the SC spring lesson plans. SLPs will assess only those students that did not meet the end-of-the-year benchmark.
First Grade Story Champs Complete
Teachers will complete tier 1 whole group instruction by the end of the third week in May. By the last week of May, SLPs will benchmark any student that did not meet the end-of-the-year benchmark.